Troop Meeting Planner
A simple meeting planner for the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Corps, this is an editable Microsoft Word file, useful in Troop Meeting planning. It simply coordinates who will be doing what at each meeting and can help organize planning by filling one out a copy for each Troop Meeting. These work great as a planning tool for each meeting at the Patrol Leader’s Council (PLC).
Reimbursement Request
Need funds back from the Treasurer? This is your form.
BSA Medical Form (Part A&B Only)
Required for ALL participants in basic Scouting activities such as day events and weekend camping trips
Full BSA Medical Form (Parts A,B,C)
Required for ALL participants of summer camp or other stays of more than 72 hours
Planning Worksheet
In planning any activity, a Scout would find this document useful in filling in all the key items needed to successfully complete a project or organize an event.
GSLAC District Map
How large have we become with our newly merged Council? Take a look see.