Be sure to regularly check the Troop’s online calendar
<> for newly added activities for both the
Troop and Council/District.
There is no Troop meeting on 4/15 due to District 7 Spring Break, however,
there will be a Troop meeting on Monday, April 22nd (District 7 students
return to school on Tuesday this year).
– Click to view the calendar by Month, Week, or Day. If viewing the
calendar on a mobile device, another parent suggested clicking on “Print”
(scroll down to “Categories” section) to see an entire month of activities,
but you will lose the interactive links using this method.
– Interactive links are available for most events (or will be updated
when information available) for permission slips, web pages, and in some
cases a link online registration.
– Events are color coded to easily distinguish between types of
– Once you click on an event, there is an option to save the event to
your own electronic calendar.
Another helpful website feature: If you are having difficulty locating a
prior email, go to Troop News <> where you
will find the vast majority of emails with links and attachments posted all
in one place!