Troop 216,
Please see below for an Activities update from our Coordinator Christin
Rigoni. If you want to attend any of these events, please email Christin
Rigoni directly. It’s not too late to register for this Friday.
Mike OKoniewski
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Christin Rigoni <>
Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: Activities update
To: Troop 216 <>
Cc: Albert Middeke <>, Alex Rigoni <>,
Allyson Mason <>, Amber Koester <>, Barb
Kane <>, Beth Martens <>, Brad
Martens <>, Brent Hall <>,
Brian Heil <>, Carrie Kistner <>, David Kistner <>,
Diane Gill <>, Emily Joellenbeck <>,
Emily Klingensmith <>, Erika Hall <>, Erika Kennett <>, Gary Gill <>, Jamie Maurer <>, Jon Klingensmith <>, Katie Buckingham <>, Kevin
Buckingham <>, Kevin Rayman <>,
Kirsten Potter <>, Kyle Kennett <>,
Mark Koester <>, Mark Mason <>,
Martina Bishopp <>, Mike O’Koniewski <>,
Mike Veith <>, Mr. Wang <>, Nathan
Payne <>, Neil Joellenbeck <>, Nick
Walden <>, Peggy Emling <>, Pete
Wilkerson <>, Steve Kupsky <>, Tara
Kuhne <>, Tim Valley <>, Todd Sivia <>, <>
Hi everyone. The lock in is this Friday evening at Eden Church. Please
drop off and pick up your scout at the lower back parking lot (off to the
left side of the church when facing it).
Mr Valley has offered to accompany scouts grocery shopping for the event.
Please let me know if your scout can attend Thursday evening at 7 pm,
meeting at Schnucks.
Remember to bring board and card games as well as any electronic games and
wear comfortable clothes for playing sports in the gym.
Anyone who is not currently signed up but still wants to attend the lock in
(scouts and parents alike), please let me know. The more the merrier. You
can bring money/permission slip that evening but I’d like a final head
count before grocery shopping please.
Other reminders—the Klondike Derby is Jan 20-22. * I need two adults to
commit to this event for the scouts to be able to attend. If you can
attend, please let me know.*
If you have not purchased tubing tickets for hidden valley Feb 11 at 10 AM
please do so ASAP. *Any adults willing to attend this event should please
let me know. *
*Reminder there will be quick parent meeting regarding summer camp at 8:10
pm at the 1/23/23 meeting. Please plan to attend. *
Thank you,
Christin Rigoni
On Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 1:49 PM Christin Rigoni <>
> Hey all. Mark your calendars for upcoming Troop 216 events…
> 1. Jan 6 830 pm to Sat Jan 7 830 am. Lock In at Eden Church
> (Edwardsville). The boys are encouraged to bring games (electronic or
> board…we should have access to Wi-Fi), sports balls for use in the gym, and
> a pillow/blanket. Wear comfortable athletic clothing. Food will be
> provided.
> 2. Jan 20-22 Klondike Derby at Camp Warren Levis (Godfrey) weekend camp
> out. (More details forthcoming)
> 3. Feb 9-11 Cabin camping at Beaumont (High Ridge MO) with snow tubing at
> Hidden Valley Ski Resort (Eureka MO). Parents of any scout wishing to
> attend will need to purchase tubing tickets at
> Please choose Sat Feb 11 at 10 am option. You will need to sign their
> waiver at time of ticket purchase. Tickets are $32 I believe. These
> tickets go fast so please do this ASAP to ensure a spot.
> 4. Feb 28 Blues game. I ordered tickets for the families that requested
> already. Anyone else wanting to join can purchase tickets independently.
> We are section 323 and 324 Row Q if you can get close to the rest of the
> group. Those tickets are about $35 each including fees.
> Please also remember that these events and activities can only happen with
> parent support. *Please consider being a parent chaperone for at least
> one of these events. Please respond to this email if you can help.*
> Summer Camp…the boys are planning to choose both the location and dates of
> summer camp in the next week or two. At the time this is finalized, we
> will reach out so you can mark your summer calendar.
> Thank you all for your support. The boys are getting to have great
> experiences because of supportive adults and parents!
> Please let me know if you any questions.
> Christin
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 7:46 PM Christin Rigoni <>
> wrote:
>> I just did a search for general admission tickets that night and found
>> seats with prices in the low $30s range. They are not in the designated
>> section for scouts but tickets are also about half the price. I don’t see
>> a good reason not to go this route and get the general admission tickets.
>> So please reconsider the price to be around $30-35. This event is open to
>> scouts and their families. Let’s still keep the deadline for tomorrow
>> afternoon for commitment…let me know the number of tickets you want.
>> Thanks!
>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 7:37 PM Christin Rigoni <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey all. I just got an email from the Blues inviting us and other area
>>> Girl and Boy Scout troops to Scout night. Tickets are going very fast, but
>>> if you’re interested we can book a block of tickets as a group for the game*
>>> Tues Feb 28.* Currently the only ticket price available is $57 a
>>> ticket in Section 302. I can try calling tomorrow to see if they plan to
>>> open up any other blocks of tickets at a similar or cheaper price. Most of
>>> the boys expressed interest in this activity. If we are going to do this
>>> as a group, I need commitment asap (ticket availability has gone down
>>> drastically since I got the email Sat afternoon).
>>> P*lease respond to me by 4 pm tomorrow afternoon (Tues Dec 6) if you’re
>>> interested and how many tickets you want.*
>>> Once I purchase tickets, you are on the hook for the cost. Hopefully
>>> they still have enough tickets that all that want to go can and that we can
>>> sit in a group. Please respond to this email with your ticket order and if
>>> you have any questions.
>>> Thanks
>>> Christin Rigoni
>>> On a similar note, we are planning cabin camping at Beaumont the weekend
>>> of Feb 10-12 with snow tubing at Hidden Valley on Sat Feb 11. This is a
>>> similar situation where tickets go fast, so look for an email from me soon
>>> regarding commitment to this activity. Tubing tickets are around $32.