1/14/2019 Troop meeting – all scouts encouraged to attend & seeking new Activities Chair(s)

During Monday night’s Troop meeting, SPL Bryan O’Koniewski will be leading
a PLC (Patrol Leader Conference) to set up a year long schedule of meeting
activities and desired monthly events. All scouts are encouraged to attend
the meeting to provide input.

Additionally, the Troop Committee is in search of a new Activities Chair,
to plan and coordinate monthly camping activities and yearly Summer Camp.
Diane Gill, previously expressed her desire to step back from this
position, and thus far no one has stepped forward to do so. This role can
be performed by more than one person. If you are interested, please reach
out to Diane Gill (diane.gill67@gmail.com) or Annette Schoeberle (
afschoeberle@gmail.com) for more information. Thank you.
