Who is ready to return to scouting events?! Almost everyone? Here is what
we have in store for the next few months so you can save the dates.
Sat Feb 20–NEXT WEEK Rifle shooting at Rhodes-France Scout
Reservation near Pana IL, 1-5pm. Cost of $10/participant. Can ride with
another Scout if parents authorize. More details will be in a separate
email that will contain the permission slip
Sat Feb 28–Scout Sunday at the First Christian Church. More details to
come in a separate email
Sat Mar 6-Klondike Derby at Warren Levis. Cost of $12/participant.
Decision to camp there that weekend will be considered with more
information coming out closer to that time
Sat Mar 20–Meramec Cavern. Cost of $19/Scout includes tour and Geology
Merit Badge, $17 for adult tour. Decision to camp that weekend at Meramec
State Park to be determined
Weekend Apr 9–Campout at Beaver Dam with High Ropes Course on Sat am
Mon Apr 12–Court of Honor likely ~~ not yet confirmed as definite
Sun Apr18–late morning/afternoon Horseback Riding at Beaumont $20/rider,
90 minute trail ride
Weekend Apr 30–Camporee at Warren Levis. Cost of $10 per participant.
Woodcarving Merit Badge available.
Weekend May 15 OR May 22 Campout TBD
*No scout meeting on: 2/15 3/29 4/5 5/31*