Fwd: 2/3 Scout Sunday @ First Christian Church

Correction: please use the following email to gillorang@gmail.com for
RSVPs. Thank you.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Troop 216 <troop216.bsa@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:23 PM
Subject: 2/3 Scout Sunday @ First Christian Church

First Christian Church is recognizing Scout Sunday on February 3rd during
their 9:00 AM (traditional) and 10:30 (contemporary) services. Scoutmaster
Gill has requested at least 4-6 scouts be present 30 minutes before, during
and after each service time. *This is a service hours opportunity for
scouts.* Scouts should dress in their full Class A uniform with
neckerchief & slide. We also need a couple adults to be present as well
for proper 2 deep leadership. This is a great opportunity to showcase our
scouting program to the FCC community and recruit new scout/adult members.

Please respond via email by noon on Saturday to gillogang@gmail.com, if
your scout will be participating. Thank you.

If you wish to donate, the church is collecting canned goods for the
Glen-Ed Pantry as part of their Souper Bowl of Caring/Sharing fellowship
