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From: Mike Okoniewski <okie135@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 8:09 AM
Subject: Fwd: It’s here! The week 3 Scout Challenge with prizes
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*From:* GSLAC Week 3 Scout Challenge <dave.chambliss@scouting.org>
*Date:* April 3, 2020 at 17:05:43 CDT
*To:* okie135@yahoo.com
*Subject:* *It’s here! The week 3 Scout Challenge with prizes*
*Reply-To:* dave.chambliss@scouting.org
Fun at home Scouting Activities
Week 3 Scout Challenge | April 3, 2020
The Week 3 Scout Challenge is here!
this week’s theme:
Spring into Fitness and Health
Want to win Scout Swag?? Click on the prizes above for more info!
Cub Scouts
– Learn about the importance of stretching and create a 5 minute
stretching routine to do each morning.
– Record your routine and share with other scouts!
– Complete a daily workout at home every day for a week:
use common household items as weights
complete a 5k run/walk in your neighborhood
– Build an obstacle course – use sidewalk chalk and do your obstacle
– Do 5, one-minute-long tests of body weight movements like sit ups,
push ups, lunges, squats, planks, etc.
– Incorporate a vegetable or fruit into every meal for a week (try
something new!)
– Follow along yoga on YouTube with Cosmic kids yoga:
Stretches, sprints, weight lifting with common household items
Get creative with what you use as weights!
Build your own obstacle course at home!
Try a new fruit and vegetable
Scouts BSA
– Learn about the importance of stretching and create a 5 minute
stretching routine to do each morning.
– Record your routine and share with other scouts!
– Complete a daily workout at home every day for a week:
use common household items as weights
complete a 5k run/walk in your neighborhood
– Build an obstacle course – use sidewalk chalk and do your obstacle
– Do 5, one-minute-long tests of body weight movements like sit ups,
push ups, lunges, squats, planks, etc.
– Incorporate a vegetable or fruit into every meal for a week (try
something new!)
– Stretches, sprints, weight lifting with common household items
– What better way to stay active right now than to work on Personal
Fitness merit badge! Encourage scouts to begin working on this challenging
badge by having them contact a merit badge counselor and having virtual
visits. This will help them build healthy eating habits and develop an
exercise routine.
– Build your own Ninja Warrior Course
– Complete a 5K run/walk in your neighborhood
– Working on your Tenderfoot Rank?
– 6a. Record your best in the following tests:
– Pushups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
– Situps or curl-ups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
– Back-saver sit-and-reach (Record the distance stretched.)
– 1-mile walk/run (Record the time.)
6b. Develop and describe a plan for improvement in each of the activities
listed in Tenderfoot requirement 6a. Keep track of your activity for at
least 30 days.
6c. Show improvement (of any degree) in each activity listed in Tenderfoot
requirement 6a after practicing for 30 days.
– Pushups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
– Situps or curl-ups (Record the number done correctly in 60 seconds.)
– Back-saver sit-and-reach (Record the distance stretched.)
– 1-mile walk/run (Record the time.)
Second Class?
7a. After completing Tenderfoot requirement 6c, be physically active
at least 30 minutes each day for five days a week for four weeks. Keep
track of your activities.
7b. Share your challenges and successes in completing Second Class
requirement 7a. Set a goal for continuing to include physical activity as
part of your daily life and develop a plan for doing so.
First Class?
8a. After completing Second Class requirement 7a, be physically active at
least 30 minutes each day for five days a week for four weeks. Keep track
of your activities.
8b. Share your challenges and successes in completing First Class
requirement 8a. Set a goal for continuing to include physical activity as
part of your daily life
STEM Challenge
STEM Activity:
– Learn about how your respiratory system works and build a model lung
with household items: www.instructables.com/id/Just-Breathe/
Fitness Challenge Activity
Required : Stopwatch ( to time Body planks)
Doing this activity twice a year and keeping track of the results can show
the overall troop fitness level.
Make sure scouts are aware of the upcoming activity and dress appropriately.
Prep the leaders to make sure only positive encouragement happens.
Every scout performs his best at a set of physical activities. The average
for the group is determined.
Event Scoring:
***Greater Than >
***Less Than <
Sit-ups in 1 minute:
<20 - 1 point
<30 - 2 points
<40 - 3 points
<50 - 4 points
>50 – 5 points
Push Ups in 1 minute:
<20 reps- 1 point
<35 reps- 2 points
< 45 reps - 3 points
<50 reps - 4 points
> 50 reps – 4 points
Body Weight Squats
<10 - 1 point
<20- 2 points
<30 - 3 points
<40 - 4 points
>50- 5 points
Jumping Jacks in 1 minute
<15 - 1 point
<30 - 2 points
<45 - 3 points
<50 - 4 points
>50 – 5 points
Body Planks
<20 secs - 1 point
<40 secs - 2 points
< 60 secs - 3 points
> 60 secs – 4 points
> 120 secs – 5 points
Record the score for each scout, add them up, and find the average for each
Adults, Parents, and Guardians
Scouting is for everyone!!!
Cub Leader Virtual Training: April 16th and April 18th 7:00-8:30pm. Leaders
must attend both sessions to complete training. Space is limited! Here is
the link to sign up for this amazing opportunity to complete your training:
Complete your Youth Protection Training online at my.scouting.org
Cub Advancement:
Fun on the Run:
1. Learn and demonstrate three exercises you can do each day.
Tigers: N/A
Running With The Pack 1: Play catch with someone in your den or family who
is standing 5 steps away from you. Play until you can throw and catch
successfully at this distance. Take a step back and see if you can improve
your throwing and catching skills. 2: Practice balancing as you walk
forward, backward, and sideways. 3: Practice flexibility and balance by
doing a front roll, a back roll, and a frog stand. 4: Play a sport or game
with your family, and show good sportsmanship. 5: Do at least two of the
following: frog leap, inchworm walk, kangaroo hop, or crab walk.
Paws of skill 1: Talk with your family about what it means to be physically
fit. Share ideas of what you can do to stay in shape. 2: With your family
talk about why it is important to stretch before and after exercising.
Demonstrate proper warm-up movements and stretches before and after each
activity you do that involves action. 3: Select at least two physical
fitness skills and practice them daily for two weeks. See if you can
improve during that time. 4: With your family, talk about what it means to
be a member of a team. Working together, make a list of team sports, and
talk about how the team works together to be successful. Choose one and
play for 30 minutes. 5: With your den, develop an obstacle course that
involves five different movements. Run the course two times and see if your
time improves.
Bears: N/A
Webelos: Stronger, Faster, Higher 1: Understand and explain why you should
warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Demonstrate the proper
way to warm up and cool down. 2: Do these activities and record your
results: 20 yard dash, vertical jump, lifting a 5 pound weight, push-ups,
curls, jumping rope. 3:Make an exercise plan that includes at least three
physical activities. Carry out your plan for 30 days, and write down your
progress each week. 4:Try a new sport that you have never tried before.
Greater St. Louis Area Council, Boy Scouts of America | 4568 West Pine Blvd.,
St. Louis, MO 63108
Unsubscribe okie135@yahoo.com
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