Fwd: Troop 216 – COVID Update – 5 April

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From: Troop 216 <troop216.bsa@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Troop 216 – COVID Update – 5 April
To: Albert Middeke <atmiddeke@aol.com>, Bob Paty <bob.paty@titanstables.com>,
Brian Heil <big_b_heil@yahoo.com>, Diane Gill <diane.gill67@gmail.com>, Don
Halpin <donhalpin00@gmail.com>, Garrett Valley <gvalley481@gmail.com>,
Grant Gill <grantastic00@gmail.com>, Karen O’Koniewski <
karen.okoniewski@gmail.com>, Mark Mason <matlsguy00@gmail.com>, Martina
Bishopp <parzivalxf@yahoo.com>, Michael Cummins <mscummins23@yahoo.com>,
Mike Fairburn <mikefairburnden5@gmail.com>, Mike O’Koniewski <
okie135@yahoo.com>, Mike Veith <mveith@sbcglobal.net>, Neil Joellenbeck <
jo_enbe@yahoo.com>, Reece Watson <reecewat01@gmail.com>, Richard Coolbaugh <
recoolbaugh@yahoo.com>, Shane Smith <ShanedSmith@outlook.com>, Steve Kupsky
<skupsky1@charter.net>, Steven Dunning <sdunnin@broncosfan.com>, Tara Kuhne
<teeku2002@yahoo.com>, Tim Valley <T_Valley@yahoo.com>, John Evans <
siue.electrician@gmail.com>, Gary Gill <gillorang@gmail.com>, Alicia
Alexander <aalexan@siue.edu>, Ann Sheehan-Busse <ams2397@bjc.org>, Ann
Taylor <anntaylor7762234@yahoo.com>, Brent Hall <brentshall21@gmail.com>,
Carrie Smith <CarrieSueSmith77@gmail.com>, Cheryl Seehausen <
cseehau@siue.edu>, Christin Rigoni <christin.rigoni@gmail.com>, Collin
Listner <colinlistner@gmail.com>, Craig Alexander <
craig.alexander@charter.net>, Dustin Hampton <hampton357@gmail.com>, Emily
Joellenbeck <ejnj2002@gmail.com>, Emily Klingensmith <
emklingensmith@gmail.com>, Erika Hall <rikirae79@yahoo.com>, Erika Kennett <
erikakennett@gmail.com>, Erika Kohoutek <erika.kohoutek@gmail.com>, Jessica
Listner <nerner75@yahoo.com>, Jon Klingensmith <jonklingensmith@gmail.com>,
Karen Joachimsthaler <rassow57@hotmail.com>, Kevin Busse <kb62mo@charter.net>,
Kevin Rayman <kcrayman@sbcglobal.net>, Kristy Fairburn <
kristyfairburn@gmail.com>, Kyle Kennett <kylekennett@gmail.com>, Larry
Miller <eljayem@gmail.com>, Michele Meckfessel <Michele@titanstables.com>,
Mike Sanders <ggg.ss.dd@gmail.com>, Natasha & Joe McClintock <
mcclintock57@charter.net>, Peggy Emling <pemling@sbcglobal.net>, Scott
Seehausen <sseehau@yahoo.com>, Sean Wellhausen <swell1975@yahoo.com>, Tom
Kuhne <tjk1us@yahoo.com>

Troop 216,

As promised here is your weekly update from the troop 216 leadership team.
I hope things are well with all of you as we begin a full 30 days of
shelter in place. With that said, our first troop meeting will not be till
Monday 4 May at the earliest. We have not received any official word from
GSLAC on that yet. I’m sure they are waiting to see what local and state
leadership decide.

The plan is still to have the court of honor the Monday following whatever
the date our first meeting happens to be. This will require the scouts to
conduct nominations for senior patrol leader, assistant senior patrol
leader, as well as patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders via email or
some kind of teleconference or video conference. More to follow on this
process. That first meeting will be the elections of all of those
positions. We will then have decisions on other troop positions like
quartermaster, scribe, chaplain, historian, etc.

This Wednesday 8 April, at 1900 hrs we will attempt to have our troop
committee meeting via teleconference or some other medium. Look for
information regarding this in the next few days. For those who have formal
reports such as the previous meetings minutes and the financial report,
please email me those as attachments and I will send out to all. If
possible, post to Slack as well, although we still have people that are
uncomfortable with using it. (Our IT familiarization briefing got
canceled due to COVID) Hopefully, that can be rescheduled soon.

Mrs O’Koniewski will be conducting a 40 min Zoom briefing for the public
health merit badge Tuesday night 7 April at 700pm. Details went out in a
previous email. Please contact Karen if your scout wants to take part in

Have your scouts continue to reach out to Mr Evans with advancement updates
for Scoutbook as well as if a board of review or scoutmaster conference
needs to be scheduled.

FYI, I will be sending out several forwarded emails from GSLAC and BSA
National after this one.

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we navigate through these
challenging times for our community and nation. Stay safe and enjoy your
family time.

Yours in Scouting,

Mike O’Koniewski
Committee Chairman Troop 216