Fwd: Troop 216 – COVID 19 Update 22MAR

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Troop 216 <troop216.bsa@gmail.com>
> Date: March 22, 2020 at 1:58:17 PM CDT
> To: Albert Middeke <atmiddeke@aol.com>, Bob Paty <bob.paty@titanstables.com>, Brian Heil <big_b_heil@yahoo.com>, Diane Gill <diane.gill67@gmail.com>, Don Halpin <donhalpin00@gmail.com>, Garrett Valley <gvalley481@gmail.com>, Grant Gill <grantastic00@gmail.com>, Karen O’Koniewski <karen.okoniewski@gmail.com>, Mark Mason <matlsguy00@gmail.com>, Martina Bishopp <parzivalxf@yahoo.com>, Michael Cummins <mscummins23@yahoo.com>, Mike Fairburn <mikefairburnden5@gmail.com>, Mike O’Koniewski <okie135@yahoo.com>, Mike Veith <mveith@sbcglobal.net>, Neil Joellenbeck <jo_enbe@yahoo.com>, Reece Watson <reecewat01@gmail.com>, Richard Coolbaugh <recoolbaugh@yahoo.com>, Shane Smith <ShanedSmith@outlook.com>, Steve Kupsky <skupsky1@charter.net>, Steven Dunning <sdunnin@broncosfan.com>, Tara Kuhne <teeku2002@yahoo.com>, Tim Valley <T_Valley@yahoo.com>, John Evans <siue.electrician@gmail.com>, Gary Gill <Gillorang@gmail.com>, Alicia Alexander <aalexan@siue.edu>, Ann Sheehan-Busse <ams2397@bjc.org>, Ann Taylor <anntaylor7762234@yahoo.com>, Brent Hall <brentshall21@gmail.com>, Carrie Smith <CarrieSueSmith77@gmail.com>, Cheryl Seehausen <cseehau@siue.edu>, Christin Rigoni <christin.rigoni@gmail.com>, Collin Listner <colinlistner@gmail.com>, Craig Alexander <craig.alexander@charter.net>, Dustin Hampton <hampton357@gmail.com>, Emily Joellenbeck <ejnj2002@gmail.com>, Emily Klingensmith <emklingensmith@gmail.com>, Erika Hall <rikirae79@yahoo.com>, Erika Kennett <erikakennett@gmail.com>, Erika Kohoutek <erika.kohoutek@gmail.com>, Jessica Listner <nerner75@yahoo.com>, Jon Klingensmith <jonklingensmith@gmail.com>, Karen Joachimsthaler <rassow57@hotmail.com>, Kevin Busse <kb62mo@charter.net>, Kevin Rayman <kcrayman@sbcglobal.net>, Kristy Fairburn <kristyfairburn@gmail.com>, Kyle Kennett <kylekennett@gmail.com>, Larry Miller <eljayem@gmail.com>, Michele Meckfessel <Michele@titanstables.com>, Mike Sanders <ggg.ss.dd@gmail.com>, Natasha & Joe McClintock <mcclintock57@charter.net>, Peggy Emling <pemling@sbcglobal.net>, Scott Seehausen <sseehau@Yahoo.com>, Sean Wellhausen <swell1975@yahoo.com>, Tom Kuhne <tjk1us@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Troop 216 – COVID 19 Update 22MAR
> Troop 216 Family,
> With the recent announcement by Governor Pritzker that schools will remain closed through 7 April and the guidance from GSLAC that all scouting activities are canceled thru 31 MAR, we here at troop 216 want to remain positive and still try to continue the scouting program and not just shutdown.
> Right now we are looking at our first potential troop meeting being Monday 20 April, which was scheduled as a Court of Honor. We have decided to move the Court of Honor to Monday 27 April for now, barring any further postponements from state or federal government.
> The high ropes course/activity scheduled for 18 April as is still on. We haven’t canceled the campout yet, we are awaiting further words from GSLAC. However, right now, Beaver Damn state park is closed. At the minimum, we can still do the high ropes event as a day only activity. We will have to wait and see how long the shelter in place guidance remains in effect.
> This is a good time for scouts to work on the requirements for some eagle required merit badges. Several of these merit badges have requirements that involve keeping a log for either a budget, household chores, or a fitness routine. The family life merit badge has several requirements that involve family interaction with meetings, planning a project, or making a family decision. What a perfect time to accomplish this since we are all forced to spend time together whether we like it or not. To make it easy, I’ve included links at the bottom of this email to family life, personal fitness, and personal management merit badge requirements pages. I’ll reach out to our counselors for these badges and maybe 4 months down the road, we can set up merit badge sessions at a troop meeting so scouts can complete them.
> As for the adults, a big shout out to Steve Kupsky who has provided a list of the adults and what training they have accomplished. He also has provided links to the training. It doesn’t get any easier than that folks. Please take advantage of this down time and accomplish whatever can be online.
> A big thank you to Brian Heil and Albert Middeke who helped transport the trail to and from Gaslight Vinly for the decal installment. I’m having a hard time uploading the pictures to email, so I’ll try sending via text message.
> If any scout needs a scoutmaster conference or a board of review, please reach out to Mr Gill, Mr Evans, or any ASM so that we can coordinate via FaceTime or Skype.
> BSA National sent out some guidance for all scouts. I am going to forward that to everyone just to make sure you all have it. Apologize if you receive it twice.
> If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to call, email, or text me.
> Please remain calm, think positive, stay safe, and make good decisions. We will get through this as a nation and as a community.
> Yours in Scouting,
> Mike O’Koniewski
> Troop Committee Chairman
> www.usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/changes/mb129-19.asp
> www.scoutbook.com/mobile/references/boy-scouting/merit-badges/personal-fitness-merit-badge-requirements.asp
> www.scoutbook.com/mobile/references/boy-scouting/merit-badges/personal-management-merit-badge-requirements.asp
> —
> Additional information available on our webpage: www.troop216bsa.com – check the site often for Troop news, resources, calendar updates, etc.
> Please note that this email account is not monitored 24/7. If you have a question for a specific adult leader, please contact them privately.
> Troop Committee Chair – Mike O’Koniewski okie135@yahoo.com
> Scoutmaster – Gary Gill gillorang@gmail.com
> Advancements – John Evans siue.electrician@gmail.com
> Parent Coordinator – Tara Kuhne teeku2002@yahoo.com