Fwd: Troop 216 W Levis Haunted Hayride Campout this SAT Oct 23; sign up by Thurs

> From: Troop 216 <troop216.bsa@gmail.com>
> Date: October 18, 2021 at 1:05:25 PM CDT
> To: Albert Middeke <atmiddeke@aol.com>, Alex Rigoni <alex.rigoni@gmail.com>, Alicia Alexander <aalexan@siue.edu>, Allyson Mason <aammem@yahoo.com>, Amber Koester <askoester@gmail.com>, Ann Taylor <anntaylor7762234@yahoo.com>, Brent Hall <brentshall21@gmail.com>, Brian Heil <big_b_heil@yahoo.com>, Carrie Kistner <Carrie.kistner@hotmail.com>, Carrie Smith <CarrieSueSmith77@gmail.com>, Christin Rigoni <christin.rigoni@gmail.com>, Colin Listner <colinlistner@gmail.com>, Craig Alexander <craig.alexander@charter.net>, David Kistner <Davidkistner180@yahoo.com>, Emily Joellenbeck <ejnj2002@gmail.com>, Emily Klingensmith <emklingensmith@gmail.com>, Erika Hall <rikirae79@yahoo.com>, Erika Kennett <erikakennett@gmail.com>, Erika Kohoutek <erika.kohoutek@gmail.com>, Jamie Maurer <1jmaur@gmail.com>, Jennifer Lewis <jenniferkaylewis@gmail.com>, Jon Klingensmith <jonklingensmith@gmail.com>, Katie Buckingham <cschickkt@yahoo.com>, Kevin Buckingham <blake112309@gmail.com>, Kevin Buckingham <kbuckingham2002@yahoo.com>, Kevin Rayman <kcrayman@sbcglobal.net>, Kirsten Wilkerson <kipotter@yahoo.com>, Kyle Kennett <kylekennett@gmail.com>, Mark Koester <mrkoester@gmail.com>, “Mr. Wang” <huibin0609@gmail.com>, Nathan Payne <payne.nalc155@gmail.com>, Neil Joellenbeck <jo_enbe@yahoo.com>, Peggy Emling <pemling@sbcglobal.net>, Pete Wilkerson <brundlfly@gmail.com>, Shane Smith <ShanedSmith@outlook.com>, William Lewis <williamdlewis@gmail.com>
> Cc: Gary Gill <Gillorang@gmail.com>, Steve Kupsky <skupsky1@charter.net>, Tim Valley <T_Valley@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Troop 216 W Levis Haunted Hayride Campout this SAT Oct 23; sign up by Thurs
> Troop 216 will be camping overnight and participating as haunters in the annual Camp Warren Levis Haunted Hayrides on Saturday October 23. Scouts will meet up at the church Saturday at 12:30pm for a 1pm departure. Scouts will bring costumes and have their haunting area decorated and set up for the rides which begin at 7pm. In case of any later arrivals, please note entrance gates will be closed and locked by 6:30pm. Campsite to be determined.
> Scouts that are not able to sign up at tonight’s meeting may contact Ms. Gill no later than Thursday 5pm to be added. Please text: 618 616 6774 or email: diane.gill67@gmail.com
> Permission slip is attached. Copies will be available at tonight’s meeting.
> —
> Additional information available on our webpage: www.troop216bsa.com – check the site often for Troop news, resources, calendar updates, etc.
> Please note that this email account is not monitored 24/7. If you have a question for a specific adult leader, please contact them privately.
> Troop Committee Chair – Mike O’Koniewski okie135@yahoo.com
> Scoutmaster – Mark Mason matlsguy00@gmail.com
> Advancements – Barb Kane barbek618@yahoo.com
> New Member Coordinator – Tara Kuhne teeku2002@yahoo.com