Hello Scout Families! Our next camp out is scheduled for Nov 12-14 at
beautiful Silver Lake Park in Highland at the Jaycees’ Pavilion. Scouts
will return to Edwardsville for Scouting for Food bag distribution on
Saturday morning and then back to camp for lunch. Watch for more
information on the Nov 13 and 20 Scouting for Food activities in a later
Due to these days of early sunset, we are proposing an optional earlier
departure on Friday the 12th. Those Scouts that can arrive at the church
at 3pm will go set up camp in the daylight while others may meet up at the
traditional time of 5pm at the church. We will need minimum 2-deep
adult coverage for each group, someone to pull the trailer at the
earlier time, and drivers for there and back, including on Saturday
morning, so parents, please consider signing up to camp the weekend or
The permission form is attached and may be turned in along with payment at
the next two Monday meetings. Turning in no later than the start of the
Monday Nov 8 meeting is very helpful for those planning transportation,
food and activities for the camp out.
If any questions or concerns please contact Scoutmaster Mark Mason
302.256.8597 or Diane Gill 618.616.6774.
Note for calendar:
– March in Edwardsville’s Veterans’ Day evening parade Thursday Nov 11
– Fall Fellowship for Scout parents/adults at the OKoniewski Home Nov 20
– Lock-In at Eden Church in Edwardsville Friday Dec 3 8:30pm to 8:30am
– Klondike Campout Jan 7-9 at Camp Warren Levis
– University of Scouting Jan 29 at SIUE