Thursday (8/22/19) Grocery Shopping for Camp out

Good evening,

Grocery shopping for the 8/23-8/25 camping trip will occur on Thursday,
August 22nd at the Schnucks-n-Save (prior Shop-n-Save) location beginning
at *7:45 PM*. Scouts and adults (scouts must wear their Class A uniform).
Tim Valley is the point of contact. Thank you.


Additional information available on our webpage:
check the site often for Troop news, resources, calendar updates, etc.

Please note that this email account is not monitored 24/7. If you have a
question for a specific adult leader, please contact them privately.
Troop Committee Chair – Annette Schoeberle
Scoutmaster – Gary Gill
Advancements – Shane Smith
Parent Coordinator – Tara Kuhne