Troop 216,
Here is the latest and greatest guidance from GSLAC and BSA National. All
scout activities are canceled through 22 April. With that being said, we
will have to cancel the high ropes course activity scheduled for 18 April.
Our Order of the Arrow lodge has also canceled the spring ordeal weekend
which was scheduled for 24-26 April. Due to the current situation, any
scout who was called out in 2019, now has until July 2021 to complete their
ordeal. The fall ordeal is currently scheduled for 21-23 AUG. Since we
didn’t have a campout on the schedule yet for May, we could potentially
look at rescheduling the high ropes/Beaver Dam campout for a weekend in
May. Troop leadership will have to consult and see if this is feasible.
So, stand by for more information on that.
Mr Evans has sent out an individual spreadsheet detailing what your scout
has officially logged off in Scoutbook. Please review this data and relay
to Mr Evans any discrepancies or missing sign-offs. This is a great
opportunity to get all of our advancement data updated in Scoutbook.
If your scout hasn’t registered for summer camp yet, please email Mrs.
Bishop so she can give you login information for online registration. She
sent an email out about this recently.
Remember, if a scout needs a scoutmaster conference, board of review, or
blue card for merit badges, please reach out to Mr Gill, Mr Evans, or any
One last scheduling note, given the new GSLAC guidance, our first potential
meeting would be Monday 27 April. This shifts our Court of Honor to 4 May.
I will be forwarding several emails today from GSLAC and BSA National. One
is in regards to virtual merit badge counseling.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging
times. Please stay safe and make the best of this mandatory family time.
Yours in Scouting,
Mike O’Koniewsk
Troop Committee Chairman