Troop 216,
It’s that time again, time to re ante up for the next scouting year
2020-2021. Hopefully 2021 will be a lot better than this year. Anyway,
the process has been simplified from years past. What I need to know is if
your scout plans on registering with the troop for another fun year in the
scout program and if you are an adult leader, do you want to register again
for another year in that capacity. In addition, do you want to maintain
your current position ie ASM, committee member, treasurer, fundraising,
activities chairman. These questions just require a simple yes or no
answer on registration for your scout and on your involvement as an adult
leader with specifics on what position.
All we need right now is the information as requested above. Please
respond to this email as soon as possible. We will collect money at a
later date. Cost per scout is $66 and adult leader fees are $42.
Remember, these costs can be taken from your scout accounts which are
managed in the main treasury account. Mr Valley will try to have several
copies at tomorrow night’s meeting so you can see what your total $$
available are.
Please call or email me if you have any questions.
Yours in Scouting,
Mike Okoniewski