URGENT – 9/7 service hours project for First Christian Church (9/14 rain date) – please respond if participating

If your scout didn’t notify the Senior Patrol Leader of their interest in
participating at the last troop meeting on 8/26, please reply ASAP to this
email which will be then shared with Nicholas, our Scoutmaster, and Mike
Veith. Presently the weather looks very favorable for Saturday morning.
Thank you.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Troop 216 <troop216.bsa@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 3:29 PM
Subject: 9/7 service hours project for First Christian Church (9/14 rain

Sharing from Mike Veith…

The First Christian Church (FCC) Properties Committee Chairman contacted
me to see if Troop 216 would be interested in earning Service Project
credits by helping with a scheduled work day at the church. He has
scheduled Saturday, September 7th starting at 8 am with a rain out day of
September 14. Work to be done is cleaning up the courtyard and landscaping
areas by pulling weeds, trimming, etc. I imagine the job will be done by
11 or noon if not sooner. – Mike Veith, Charter Representative for FCC

If your scout is interested in earning service hours, please have them sign
up with the Senior Patrol Leader.
