Troop 216,
Here is an update on the latest troop activities.
Veterans Day Parade – Tonight. Meet at the Mark Twain Building across the
street from Jerry’s Tires and Walgreens at 615pm. Will the scouts who took
the troop flag, american flag, and troop banner please ensure they bring
those items tonight.
Silver Lake Campout this weekend – Unfortunately this event was Canceled
due to lack of adult leadership presences. We had only one adult that
could commit to both nights of camping to ensure two-deep leadership.
Scouting For Food – This saturday. Meet at Edisons. See email from Tim
Valley for more details.
PLC Monday 16 November – There will be a PLC meeting at 630pm before the
troop meeting this coming monday night. Any scout wanting a say in the
upcoming troop activities for winter/spring 2022 is welcome to attend.
Troop Unit Renewal – It’s that time of year again to register with the BSA
for the upcoming year. Look for an email within the week from Mrs Khune
and Mr Joelenbeck for details on how to complete this process.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at the parade.
Mike OKoniewski
Troop Committee Chairman