Fwd: Court of Honor Tomorrow!, Beaumont Horse Riding, Environmental Science

Please read. A few quick important reminders for this upcoming week.

– Our Court of Honor will be held at the church tomorrow evening at 7PM
in place of our normal scout meeting. Please try to arrive on time, and
Scouts, make sure to wear your full Class A’s including neckerchief.
Parents are very welcome and encouraged to attend.
– There is still an option for horseback riding at Beaumont Scout
Reservation Sunday the 18th, although at the moment we are considering
rescheduling (see attached). We need at least one more adult leader in
order to have it and right now there are not very many scouts. If you would
like to attend, please bring the attached permission slip to tomorrow’s
meeting and let Diane Gill know you are interested in attending. (
diane.gill67@gmail.com, 618-616-6774). Targeting the 10:30AM session at
the moment, but please state if that doesn’t work. Final decision will be
made tomorrow night.
– We have a great opportunity to complete several Environmental Science
merit badge requirements next Saturday morning at the Edwardsville
Watershed Nature Center. We plan to complete at least 4-5 of the
requirements while we are there. The plan is to meet there from 8:30AM –
10:30AM Saturday the 17th. Separate email to follow, but please attend if
you would like to complete this merit badge.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Albert Middeke